An Earthworm’s Job

Most of the time, worms are entirely unseen, conditioning the soil and living their lives deep in the root zone. During the spring, fall, or other periods of extreme moisture, however, earthworms tend to migrate to the surface and leave their castings on the lawn. Worm castings are small mounds or bumps on the lawn that are basically worm excrement—but highly nutritious excrement. These excretions are nutrient-packed remains of digested plant matter and soil that have passed through the worms—a material that is extremely beneficial to the lawn. Earthworms also help in breaking down thatch, increasing decomposition, and creating usable nitrogen in the soil. Finally, the worms’ movement through the soil profile acts as natural aeration, helping air and water move from the surface throughout the root zone. On almost every level, earthworms and their castings are very good for a garden and lawn. However, homeowners intent on billiard-table smooth turf lawns sometimes agonize over the signs that earthworms leave on their lawns. 

What’s the Problem?

Excessive earthworm castings on lawns can be a problem in many parts of North America for people that see a less-than-perfect turf lawn as offensive. The main grievance with worm castings is their unsightliness. The small mound of nutrient-rich excrement forms a dark spot about the size of a quarter on the lawn. Multiplied by the potential number of worms and it can seriously affect the aesthetics of a lawn. A weak, thin lawn that is mowed low will appear even worse when there are numerous worm castings present. Over time, an abundance of castings on a lawn creates a bumpy surface, causing scalping when mowed, They can even potentially cause a tripping hazard. Finally, an excessive population of earthworms may also attract secondary pests such as moles, which feed primarily on worms, grubs, and other below-ground creatures. 

Dealing With Castings

The benefit worms provide the soil outweigh the relatively small inconvenience of dealing with their castings.There are, however, some practical and earth-friendly ways to deal with worm castings on a lawn: 

Rake or sweep castings across the lawn when they are dry. This has the effect of spreading a natural fertilizer over the turf and breaking apart the unsightly lumps. Power-rake the lawn in the fall to prevent uneven turf from developing. Don’t overwater. Earthworms will stay near the surface if it’s continuously moist, but they will go down deeper in search of moisture if the top few inches of soil are dryer.  Mow high and keep the lawn healthy to hide the castings and minimize the unsightliness. Use a roller to press down the castings. Over time, though, the bumpiness will still occur, and it can cause compaction of the soil.

Lawns made uneven and bumpy due to years of casting build-up may need restoration or renovation depending on the severity. Topdressing and over-seeding will take care of moderately bumpy turf. In more severe cases, aerating and rolling may be necessary to achieve smoothness.

Earthworms in Forests

In natural forest areas, for example, earthworms consume the organic-rich leaf material blanketing forest floors that provide essential nutrients to many trees and plants. So while the presence of earthworms is a good sign in an urban or suburban lawn and garden, they are not necessarily a good sign in wilderness forests. Never release worms used for fishing bait in forested regions, and examine soil carefully if you are transplanting garden plants into the landscape around a cabin or vacation home in the woods. This is one area where you want to avoid earthworms.