Many people experience frustration at the hands of ficus plants. They are prone to leaf drop in drafty, cold conditions, and they don’t like to be moved. As tropical plants, they absolutely require adequate light, warmth, and humidity to look their best.


Indoors or outdoors, ficus plants need bright light, but only acclimated plants can handle the direct sun. They appreciate being moved outside in summer but do not place them in direct sunlight. Bright, direct light will scald the leaves and cause leaf loss.


A ficus needs well-draining, fertile soil. Soil-based potting mixes should work well for this plant and provide the nutrients it needs. Avoid using soils for roses or azaleas, since these are more acidic potting soils.


Overwatering can be a problem for ficus trees. Water your indoor tree only when the first two inches of soil is very dry. Determine if the soil is dry by sticking your index finger halfway into the soil. Water the ficus evenly throughout the summer by giving it water until it begins to run out of the drain holes at the bottom (remove excess water so the tree is not sitting in moisture). Reduce the amount of watering in the winter. In dry homes, provide plenty of ambient moisture by misting often. For ficus trees planted in the ground outdoors, water deeply once or twice a week with about 1.5 inches to 2 inches of water. Water only when the top 2 inches of soil is dry.

Temperature and Humidity

These plants cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts. Maintain a temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit at all times indoors and outdoors, but they will do much better with temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Any cold drafts from windows, doors, or air-conditioning units will cause harm. They like a relatively humid environment. Regularly mist the leaves or provide a pebble tray filled with water below the plant.


Feed your ficus with slow-release pellets at the beginning of the growing season. They are rapid growers and will benefit from monthly fertilization in the spring and summer and once every two months in the fall and winter.

Types of Ficus Trees

Historically, the famous Bodhi tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment was a Ficus religiosa, known by its leaves that have a distinctive and extended drip tip. Here are a few other types of ficus plants:

F. benjamina Starlight: This variegated version of F. benjamina has white splotches on the leaves. F. elastica: The rubber tree has large, thick glossy leaves. Varieties include the F. elastica robusta with wide, large leaves and the F. elastica decora with emerald green leaves. F. lyrata: This ornamental fiddle leaf fig has large, violin-shaped leaves up to 18 inches long.


Prune your indoor ficus tree to maintain its shape and prevent it from touching the ceiling. Pruning should take place in the winter when it’s not actively growing. Wear gloves and use a sterilized, sharp pair of pruning scissors. Cut back to just before a node so new growth can sprout. If your ficus is overgrowing or becoming leggy, don’t be afraid to trim it back. New leaves will quickly sprout.

Propagating Ficus Trees

Ficus seeds are tough to find naturally if you do not live in the tropics. Seeds can also be tough to germinate. Propagating a ficus tree with air layering is not always a reliable method, either. The best way to propagate a ficus tree is with a stem cutting. Here are the steps:

Potting and Repotting Ficus Trees

A healthy ficus will rapidly outgrow both its pot and your house. Repot only every other year to slow growth and keep the plant a manageable size. Check to see if the roots are coming out of the drainage holes and if so, repot. Repotting is best in the springtime when the plant is growing. When repotting, always use a pot of any material that is 2- to 3-inches larger than the last one and has plenty of drainage holes. Use high-quality potting soil for your repotted ficus.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Indoor and outdoor ficus trees are vulnerable to mites, scale, mealybugs, whiteflies, and aphids. Fight pests off with an insecticide, such as neem oil. Occasionally, ficus trees will contract a leaf spot disease. Quickly discard infected leaves on and around the plant to stop further spread of the fungus.

Common Problems With Ficus Trees

A common problem with ficus plants is that it responds to stress by losing their leaves. But the leaves could curl and turn yellow, as well, due to stressors. Stress to both indoor and outdoor ficus trees could be caused by any number of things including the following:

DraftsPestsUnderwateringOverwateringToo little lightLow humidityChange in temperature