Safety Considerations

Because this method involves an open flame, there are a few tips to keep in mind. Your safety comes first, so be sure to keep the flame far away from your body. Some people may find that using lighters with a longer-reach barrel, like grill lighters, more helpful. Keep your hair back and out of the way, and make sure to avoid direct contact between the open flame and your table. And sorry, kiddos, this trick is for grown-ups, only.

Tools & Materials

All you need is a ruler, a hard surface like a table, and a lighter.

Here’s How to Do It

In just three simple steps, your plastic bag is perfectly resealed. Our method is not only effective, but it’s also a really cool and handy trick that will help you keep bagged items organized for years to come. The next time you end up with a half-empty bag, break out the ruler and lighter and get to work. You then will line up the edge of your bag against the edge of a table, making sure to place a ruler between the edge of the bag and the table so that you don’t risk damaging your table. If you’re worried about burning your fingers while holding the edge down on top of the ruler, you can use something else, like another ruler or a utensil, to do the job for you.